TEDSalon/TEDSalon 2006
Bob Thurman says we can be Buddhas
2011. 2. 24. 23:38
# TED ID 130번.
# 자비에 대한 이야기. 자아 중심적인 사고에서 벗어난 사람이 행복해질 수 있다.
So the first person who gets happy, when you stop focusing on the self-centered situation of, how happy am I, where you're always dissatisfied -- as Mick Jagger told us, you never get any satisfaction that way. So then you decide, well, I'm sick of myself. I'm going to think of how other people can be happy. I'm going to get up in the morning and think, what can I do for even one other person, even a dog, my dog, my cat, my pet, my butterfly. And the first person who gets happy when you do that, you don't do anything for anybody else, but you get happier, you yourself, because your whole perception broadens, and you suddenly see the whole world and all of the people in it. And you realize that this -- being with these people -- is the flower garden that Chiho showed us. It is Nirvana.